ISF Membership Application Process & Terms w.e.f. 15th August 2019

1. All Enterprises registered in India, Manufacturers or Service Providers may apply for ISF Membership.

2. Enterprises less than 3 years old can apply for Associate Membership and more than three years old can apply for Primary, Life or Patron membership.

3. The membership application form can be filled online after payment of applicable application and membership fee.

4. All offline applications, should have Demand Drafts/ Cheques payable at Mumbai, attached with the form itself.

5. Duly filled application forms should be printed, signed and stamped, attaching self certified documents and sent for consideration in the membership approval process to the member Services Desk.

6. All the membership applications will be received and collected on monthly basis along with the prescribed mandatory KYC documents.

7. On the first Saturday of each month, applications will be presented for review by the membership Committee of the Board, for their Approval.

8. The applicants will be notified of approval or decline of their application in the following week after the Board Meeting.

9. If the membership application is declined, the applicant will be notified of the reason for decline and while the application fees shall be retained, the membership fees only shall be refunded within the same month.

10. Membership card shall be issued in the name of the Entrepreneur, on the basis of the resolution and request submitted.

11. The request for renewal of membership must be received a month prior to the expiry of validity of the current ISF membership, in which case only Membership Fees shall be applicable for renewal.

12. Renewal requests received post the validity date of the Membership, will be treated as a New Membership and will be subject to membership approval process and the Application Fees would also be required to be paid by the applicant.

After payment of fees, all completed Applications must be sent by post/ speed post / courier to the address in the form with all attachments and documents.


I am applying for FIRST Small Enterprises Membership of India SME Forum and will abide by all rules and terms and conditions.