Home / Initiatives & Events / Secrets of Success / Secrets of Success 2013-14
The sixth event under the series titled-Secrets of Success was conducted at Ahmadabad on 20th Sept'13.The event was organized by Reliance Commercial Finance , Sustainable Development Research & Consulting and Airtel drawing attention to sustainable competitiveness & Managing Growth for profitability and increasing Financial Capabilities.
The objective of this event was intended to provide Indian SMEs a platform where they can interact, learn and do networking with Mentors & Speakers through the forum thereby enhancing their knowledge on Brand building corporate governance Business Management and increasing overall competitiveness for growth
The first session outlined the need for Technological upgradation and collaborations and cluster based approach that has gained prominence, as an economic policy tool aimed to foster innovation and the growth of the sme sector.Mr Vinod Kumar Country Head SDRC,& Honorary VP India Sme Forum emphasized on how flourishing clusters can generate opportunities for the local community and become drivers of broad based local economic development.
Other proficient speakers on the panel included Mr Sandeep Agarwal ,Chairman & MD ,Kushal Trade Link Limited Mr Rajesh Chakrabarthy,Chief Marketing &Innovation Officer Reliance Commercial & Home Finance ,Mr Subhash Chandra Modi Zonal Manager,Ahmedabad Zone Bank of India ,Mr Ajay Thakur ,Head BSE SME ,BSE Limited and Mr Mukesh Pandy Area Head-Gujarat SME Rating Agency who shared their views on creating and establishing emerging SMB's and a conducive business environment and equipped with the right management tools and knowledge on technology, marketing, fiscal management, corporate governance and Ratings for fast track capitalization & growth .
The first session ended with lunch and a brief networking session wherein SME's interacted face to face with the Experts for guidance and advice on individual businesses
The second session started with Mr Prahlad Kakkar addressing the captivated audience on the importance of branding and advertising which he mentioned are incredibly important to a company's internal solidarity, customer outreach, and overall success to be competitively sustainable .
Other eminent speakers who shared their views on Social Media and Internet tools based marketing and integrated branding choosing cost effective Marketing strategies included Mr Rajesh Chakrabarthy,Chief Marketing &Innovation Officer Reliance Commercial & Home Finance,Mr Ravindra Bhaan,Principal Consultant,TPS Consultants Dubai.UAE,Ms.Manisha Sood,SMB Business Head,Microsoft India, Mr Sandeep Upadhyay,Head-Marketing Homes & Offices at Bharti Airtel Limited and Mr Vinod Kumar Country Head SDRC,& Honorary VP India Sme
Other eminent speakers who presented similar views on upgrading technology, quality and adopt modern management techniques and the need for sustained and integrated brand management and social media strategy included Mr Ajay Shaad Director,Value Education from -The corporate B School for family business and Mr Vinod Kumar Country Manager ,SRDC &Honorary VP India Sme Forum
Mr Rajesh Chakrabarthy from Reliance Capital summarized the session highlighting key issues concerns problems and the ground realities that the SME's face today and feels they should be provided with a handholding through the reliable alliances to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture to promote the emerging SME's into future entrepreneurs
Through its revolutionary initiatives'Secrets of Success'India Sme Forum is dedicated to establish the small and medium enterprises of India..
The session was the sixth event under the secrets of Success series and was successfully attended by more than 230 SME;s from Ahmedabad and its surrounding clusters.