Secrets of Success 2013-14

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VENUE: Baroda

Date: 12th September 2013


Entrance to the Forum , Registration counter and Reliance Stall.


Partners- NIA , Bank of India


Inauguration of the Forum


Speakers of 1st Session - (L-R) Mr. Nimesh Parikh , Mr. Doddappagoudar , Mr. Maheshwar Dutt , Mr. Mukesh Pandey , Mr. Prem Raj Kashyap , Mr.Anoop Dwivedi , Mr. Vinod Kumar


Attendees at the Forum


Q & A Session


Q & A Session


Full House at the Forum


Speakers of 2nd Session - (L-R) Mr Nilesh Kuvadia, Mr Tushar Pathak,Mr Ajay Shaad,Mr Vinod Kumar


Lunch at the Forum


Mahindra Xylo display at the venue


Mentor sharing his views With SME's


The fourth event under the series titled-Secrets of Success was conducted at Baroda on 12th Sept'13.The event was organized by Reliance Commercial Finance , Sustainable Development Research & Consulting and Airtel drawing attention to sustainable competitiveness & Managing Growth for profitability and increasing Financial Capabilities.
The objective of this event was to apprise the SME's of the key factors imperative for economic growth, innovation, business Management and Corporate Governance thereby increasing overall competitiveness &Productivity of Capital & Labour, Discuss and Implement Fiscal Discipline and building Brand value through cost effective and relevant marketing Mix
The first session started with discussions on the need for successful self reliant Financial and profitable objectives that will benefit the SME's and importantly, improve the environment for them to sustain business and grow into large enterprises by being part of the ground forum seeking information on various aspects of Business Management Fiscal discipline and how Ratings can help improve business credibility.
The Mentors sharing their views on the topic included Mr Nimish Parikh,Head- Risk containment Unit & Policy-Reliance Commercial &Home Finance ,Mr S.R.Doddappagoudar,ZonalManager, Vadodra Zone Bank of India,Mr Maheshwar Dutt,Incharge CRM, New India Assurance ,Mr Mukesh Pandey,Area Head-Gujarat SME Rating Agency ,Mr Prem Raj Kashyap,Director Conmat Systems Pvt Ltd,Mr Anoop Dwivedi,Marketing-Ahmedabad BSE Limited and Mr Vinod Kumar ,Country Head SDRC& Honorary VP, ISF
The session ended with lunch and a brief networking session wherein SME's interacted face to face with the Experts for guidance and advice on individual businesses
The second session gave a perspective to the need and importance of Marketing and Branding strategies to increase customer reach and withstand competition and grow profitably The panelists sharing their views on the topic included Mr Nilesh Kuvadia,MD,ITCG Solutions Pvt Ltd, Mr Tushar Pathak-Owner Petnolinc,Mr Ajay Shaad Director NIS Academy, Mr Vinod Kumar ,Country Head SDRC& Honorary VP, ISF
Mr Vinod Kumar summarized the session outlining the growing concern of an entrepreneurial culture for a developing country like India The Endeavour of India Sme Forum to create an a hospitable eco system with a view to establish the emerging SME's into successful eneterprenures
The session was the fourth event under the secrets of Success series and was successfully attended by around 150 SME's from Baroda and its surrounding clusters

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