State Schemes for MSMEs

Home / State Schemes for MSMEs

Scheme Name: Tribal Crafts Exhibition

State: Maharashtra

Description of the Scheme: Bring tribal and urban consumers living in remote areas and displaying the crafts made by the tribal.

Target group :

Sector of the Scheme:

Eligibility Criteria: STs belonging to Maharastra

Nature & Mode of Assistance: Tribal handicrafts participating in the exhibition are given cost of departure, allowance during exhibition time, and transportation of goods they produce to site as financial assistance. Similarly, entire expenditure on management of exhibition is spent by the government.

"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":

"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":

How to apply: Tribal Development

Whom to Contact: Tribal Development of respective district

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