State Schemes for MSMEs

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Scheme Name: Employment Subsidy for New/Sick enterprises

State: Rajasthan

Description of the Scheme: Employment generation subsidy refers to benefits providedby government to enterprise if it has made contribution for EPS/ESI, and in case it is not liable to contribute EPF/ESI, enterprise shall get all employees insured for a treatment of medical illness, at its cost.
Policy aims at generating and enhancing employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas.

Target group :

Sector of the Scheme:

Eligibility Criteria: Amountofsubsidyshallbecalculatedonmonthlybasis
? Amount per employee per year shall be Rs.30,000 for Women/SC/ST/Person with Disability (PwD) categoriesof employees and Rs.25,000 for others.
? However, for enterprises of Agro-processing and Agri marketing sector the amount of employment generation subsidy per employee per year shall be Rs.37,500 for Women/SC/ST/Person with Disability (PwD) categoriesof employees and Rs.30,000 for others.

Nature & Mode of Assistance:

"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":

"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":

How to apply: Enterprises making new investment or investment for expansion or for revival of sick industrial enterprise, for availing subsidy, shall submit application to Member Secretary of the appropriate Screening Committee within 90 days of the commencement of commercial production.
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