Home / State Schemes for MSMEs
State: Rajasthan
Description of the Scheme:
Target group :
Sector of the Scheme:
Eligibility Criteria: Eligible service enterpriseshall be granted exemption from payment of 50% of land tax for seven years.
Exemption in cases of expansion and revival of sick industrial enterprisesshall be provided only on additional area of land on which land tax is payable after expansion or revival of the sick industrial enterprise, over and above the area of land on which such tax was payable and deposited into government exchequer before expansion or revival of the sick industrial enterprise.
Nature & Mode of Assistance:
"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":
"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":
How to apply: Enterprise making investment for setting up of a new enterprise or for expansion or for revival of sick industrial enterprise, shall submit application, along with a project report duly certified by a Chartered Accountant to the Member Secretary of appropriate Screening Committee.
In case of revival of sick industrial enterprise, the enterprise shall also submit an undertaking that it shall provide employment to the extent of 50% in first two years, of the maximum level of employment attained in preceding 3years from the date of its declaration as a sick industrial enterprise, followed by 100% employment within five years.
Apply Online: http://rips.rajasthan.gov.in/site/subsidy?title=Land-Tax
Whom to Contact: