State Schemes for MSMEs

Home / State Schemes for MSMEs

Scheme Name: Mandi Fee

State: Rajasthan

Description of the Scheme: Mandi Fee being levied and paid under Rajasthan State Agriculture Produce Market Act, 1961.

Target group :

Sector of the Scheme:

Eligibility Criteria: Exemption in cases of expansion and revival of sick industrial enterprises, mandi fee shall be allowed only on additional volume of turnover or additional consumptionof electricity, achieved/made by enterprise after expansion or revival of the sick industrial enterprise, over and above the maximum annual turnover/maximum annual consumption of electricity, in any of the three years immediately preceding to the year of commencement of commercial production/operation or revival of sick industrial enterprise, on which such tax/duty/fee was payable and has been deposited into Government exchequer.
This exemption in any year shall be allowed only after attainment of the maximum annual turnover or maximum annual consumption of electricity, of the three years immediately preceding to the year of commencement of commercial production/operation or revival of sick industrial enterprise, in that year.

Nature & Mode of Assistance:

"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":

"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":

How to apply: Enterprises making new investment or investment for expansion or for revival of sick industrial enterprise, for availing of exemption from payment of Mandi Fee, shall submit application to the Member Secretary of the appropriate Screening Committee not laterthan expiry of 90 days of commencement of commercial production/ operation in case applying for benefit of exemption from payment of entry tax and within 90 days of commencement of commercial production/operation in other cases.
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