The fair has been promoting artisans, craftsmanship of unique and high-quality products, and ecofriendly products since 1996 and is:

  • The largest B2C event in the world dedicated to the small businesses and geographic indicated, arts & crafts.
  • Featuring works of authentic artisans, craftsmen, their stories and products hanging between tradition & innovation
  • 3000 Exhibitors showcasing products from 100+ Countries
  • Attracting over 10 Lakh visitors in each edition from across the world


The event is an ideal place where participating artisans from all over the world can:

  • Communicate and introduce themselves to the European market
  • Connect to the Consumers, Buyers, Wholesalers, Traders & Retailers
  • Present their products while sharing their story
  • Introduce their products & develop their references on market acceptance
  • High-level market exploration / test in front of 1 million customers
  • Develop a network of customers that buy directly thereafter
  • Promote and enhance the culture and typical features of their region.

Focus Sectors





Food & Beverages

Travel & Tourism

Creative Arts

Fashion & Beauty

Directory &

Content: Delegation Information; Pavilion Description; and List of Participating Companies including their logos, contact details and product description & images.

Distribution: 1000 Hard Copies to Buyers/ Visitors/ Press/ Organizer/ Exhibitors & Soft Copies downloadable at https://indiasmeforum.org/afl-2024/

How to Apply

Interested individuals may apply under any of the following plans:
  1. Nomination by State Government in State Government GI Pavilion

    Interested GI Producers of India may approach the MSME / Industry Department of their respective State Government and complete the formalities for being Nominated by the State Government if they are participating at the AFL with a State Pavilion.

    India SME Forum, as the implementing agency, will be coordinating with the Officials and the States Nominees for participation requirements and travel arrangements, stall allocation, etc.

  2. Direct Participation - Subsidised in India Pavilion

    Interested individuals who do not wish to / are not eligible to apply under IC Scheme, and wish to participate directly in the India Pavilion can apply for a discounted rate for space rental and participation at the fair.

    India SME Forum, as the implementing agency, will be coordinating with these applicants for participation requirements and travel arrangements, stall allocation, etc.

    For more details and participation enquiry, please send a mail to itd@indiasmeforum.org, specifying Direct Participation - AFL in the Subject along with the following documents

    • Udyam Registration Certificate
    • GST Certificate
    • Copy of any previous Visa of Europe / USA / UK
  3. Participation by Selection under IC Scheme of Ministry of MSME

    Interested MSMEs who are able to meet the eligibility criteria of the IC Scheme, can apply to participate as part of the IC Delegation organized by India SME Forum and avail the financial subsidies provided by government.

    The participation is on a selection basis and under the sole discretion of the designated selection committee. This option is available only for a limited number of MSME units.

    India SME Forum, as the implementing agency, will be coordinating with the selected participants for participation requirements and travel arrangements, stall allocation, availing subsidies, etc.

    For more details and participation enquiry, please send a mail to itd@indiasmeforum.org citing IC Delegation in the subject line, along with the following documents

    • Udyam Registration Certificate
    • GST Certificate
    • Copy of any previous Visa of Europe / USA / UK

For more information and Application write a mail to
itd@indiasmeforum.org, or contact 9326465936 / 7710003917.