State Schemes for MSMEs

Home / State Schemes for MSMEs

Scheme Name: Mukhyamantri Yuva Udyami Yojana

State: Madhya Pradesh

Description of the Scheme: Provide financial support to all categories of people for setting up manufacturing or service industry.

Target group :

Sector of the Scheme:

Eligibility Criteria: Applicant should have passed minimum 10th class and age should be between 18 to 40 years.

Nature & Mode of Assistance: Margin money, interest subsidy, loan guarantee and training are given for establishment of enterprise. Loan is available only for interest at 5% per annum. However, repay the loan received in 7 years.
15% of capital cost of project (maximum Rs.12 lakh) is made available as margin money. At the same time, 5% interest subsidy for male applicants and 6% interest subsidy for women applicants is given

"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":

"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":

How to apply: Application forms are available in every district office. General project report of proposed project will be submitted along with application form for loan.
After acceptance of application, loan is available within 15 days. After the loan distribution, applicant will be trained by the government.
Online application: visit

Whom to Contact: Various departments of Government of Madhya Pradesh

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