State Schemes for MSMEs

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Scheme Name: Programme to Accelerate Development for MSME Advancement (PADMA)

State: Haryana

Description of the Scheme: Based on the principles of local yet global, PADMA aims to create a dynamic, self-sustainable and thriving industrial infrastructure at the cluster level for each block of Haryana.

Target group :

Sector of the Scheme:

Eligibility Criteria:

Nature & Mode of Assistance: Investment of over Rs 25,000 crore in the form of infrastructure, Common Facility Centres (CFC), Business Development Service (BDS) Centres and set-up new industrial units in each blocks

"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":

"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":

How to apply:

Whom to Contact: Directorate of MSME

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