Home / State Schemes for MSMEs
State: Rajasthan
Description of the Scheme:
Target group :
Sector of the Scheme:
Eligibility Criteria: Eligible manufacturing enterprise other than the enterprises engaged in manufacturing of cattle feed/ poultry feed/fish feed shall be granted exemption from payment of 50% of electricity duty for seven years, provided that for enterprises engaged in tourism sector, it shall be restricted to 25% of the electricity duty.
Eligible service enterprise shall be granted frompayment of 50% of electricity duty for seven years, provided that for enterprises engaged in providing entertainment, it shall be restricted to 25% of the electricity duty.
In Electronic System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) sector, enterprise making an investment equal to or above Rs.5crore and providing direct employment to at least 1,000 persons, during the period 01.10.2015, to 31.03.2017, and commences commercial production up to31.03.2017, shallbe granted exemptionfrompayment of 50% of electricity duty for additional three years.
In MSME sector,in rural areas shall be granted 75% exemption from payment of electricity duty in place of 50% exemption from payment of electricity duty.
Nature & Mode of Assistance:
"Financial Information (Subsidy, low interest rate, etc.)":
"Other Assistance (Procurement of machinery, Technology /Marketing, International Cooperation, etc.)":
How to apply: Enterprises making new investment or investment for expansion or for revival of sick industrial enterprise, for availing of exemption from payment of electricity duty, shall submit application to the Member Secretary of the appropriate Screening Committee not later than the expiry of 90 days of commencement of commercial production/operation in case applying for benefit of exemption from payment of entry tax and within 90days of the commencement of commercial production/ operation in other cases.
Apply online: http://rips.rajasthan.gov.in/site/subsidy?title=Electricity-Duty
Whom to Contact: